Nutty for Peanuts

 Whether you are a chunky or creamy fan, peanut butter and its many forms comprise one of America's favorite foods. Are you a brand loyalist, be it Skippy, Jif, Peter Pan, Smucker's, or an organic-only consumer? On average, Americans eat more than six pounds of peanut products each year, worth more than $2 billion at the retail level. Peanut butter accounts for about half of the U.S. edible use of peanuts-accounting for $850 million in retail sales each year.

The peanut plant can be traced back to Peru and Brazil in South America around 3,500 years ago. European explorers first discovered peanuts in Brazil and saw its value, taking them back to their respective countries, where it was a bit slow to catch on but became popular in Western Africa. (And the French just never quite got it.)

History tells us that it wasn't until the early 1800s that peanuts were grown commercially in the United States, and undoubtedly showed up at the dinner table of foodie president Thomas Jefferson, probably in the form of peanut soup, a delicacy in Southern regions. After all, Jefferson was an enthusiastic gardener who lived in Virginia. Civil War Confederate soldiers welcomed boiled peanuts as a change from hardtack and beef jerky. First cultivated primarily for its oil, they were originally regarded as fodder for livestock and the poor, like so many other now-popular foods. Technically not nuts, peanuts are part of the legume family and grown underground in pods, along with peas and beans.

Peanuts started to catch on in the late 1800s when Barnum and Bailey circus wagons traveled cross country hawking "hot roasted peanuts" to the crowds. Street vendors soon followed, selling roasted peanuts from carts, and they became a staple in taverns and at baseball games. (Throwing the bags to anxious consumers became an art form.)

As with many other popular foods, peanut butter was first introduced at the St. Louis World's Fair in 1904 but basically still had to be made by hand. Catching on as a favorite source of protein, commercial peanut butter made its appearance on grocers' shelves in the late 1920s and early 30s, beginning with Peter Pan and Skippy.

Dr. George Washington Carver is unquestionably the father of the peanut industry, starting in 1903 with his landmark research. He recommended that farmers rotate their cotton crops with peanuts which replenished the nitrogen content in the soil that cotton depleted. In his tireless research, he discovered hundreds of uses for the humble peanut.

While it is believed that the Inca Indians in South America ground peanuts centuries ago (we know for certain they weren't spreading it on white bread with grape jelly), credit is usually given to Dr. John Harvey Kellogg (of corn flakes fame) for creating the first peanut butter in 1895 for his elderly patients who had difficulty chewing other proteins.

Avocados: A Magical Healthy Fruit

 Have you heard about a magical fruit which contains a large number of healthy fats that can in fact benefit your body in numerous ways? Recently, the avocados have gained recognition in the healthy lifestyle community. This article talks about this unique fruit and the ways by which it can keep all your health issues aside.

  • What is this unique fruit?
Avocado is a pear-shaped fruit which grows on a tropical tree. They are green in color, rough in texture and contain a big seed inside them. They are also known as alligator pear or butter fruit and contain healthy fats with less to no cholesterol.

  • Given below are some of the reasons why this fruit should be made a part of your diet:
Super Fruit: -

They are very rich in vitamins, minerals, nutrients and healthy fats. It is a known fact that healthy fats help to reduce weight and promote metabolism. Making avocados a part of your balanced and healthy diet will not only reduce weight but also keep you full for a longer time and it can be used as a substitute for products like butter.

Dental Care:-

Bad breath is usually caused by an upset stomach and due to the build-up of bacteria in your mouth. Avocados can help to kill the bacteria, remove bad breath and even help to prevent oral cancer.

Skin Care: -

Avocados can be applied in the form of skin and hair masks. Being rich in nutrients, they help to soothe uneven, chapped or damaged skin and hair. They are especially helpful for people suffering from chronic skin diseases.

Anti-oxidant properties: -

Being rich in vitamins, avocados have anti-oxidant properties. They have anti-cancer properties too and reduce premature aging. They improve vision and protect our eyes from diseases like cataract and age-related eye conditions.

Other benefits: -

They reduce morning sickness in pregnant mothers, keep the kidney and liver healthy, reduce the chances of diseases like arthritis, make your bones stronger, maintain the blood-glucose level and promote a healthy heart.

  • Some ways to incorporate avocado as a part of your diet: -
  1. They can be consumed directly.
  2. Avocados can be made a part of your salad. They can be consumed along with onions, tomatoes, and lettuce. Adding salt, pepper, lime juice and boiled meat along is also a good option.
  3. Chopped avocado can be used as a dressing over soups.
  • Eating too many avocados can, in fact, be dangerous for your body, read the points below to understand that they should be consumed within a given limit:-
  1. Avocados are rich in potassium. Consuming one too many avocados can increase the potassium levels in your body which can be dangerous for the heart.
  2. Some people feel nauseous and vomit after consuming too many avocados.
  3. They are even known to cause a migraine in some people.
Don't be afraid of the side-effects. This fruit has many benefits and consuming it in a given limit will definitely make you healthier in every aspect.